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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2022

Top Hot Shirt On Gonshirt On 2/28/2022

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Yesterday, I woke up around 5 a.m. I heard explosions, like one every minute for the Top Hot Shirt On Gonshirt On 2/28/2022 minutes, just like that. I didn’t understand what it was. I thought, Is it near or far? We calmed down, waited, scrolled the news and our government’s websites. The next big explosion was much louder. It was during the daytime. My daughter was sleeping, and I grabbed her immediately from her bed. We went to the safest place in our house with our family and stood there for 20 minutes. The explosion was actually the sound of another rocket hitting a Russian plane that was going to the airport. We heard helicopters and planes too. Yesterday, Russia started to shoot weapons at houses and airports. Now, civilian buildings have been destroyed and civilians have been killed Vladimir Putin Sucks Russian Warship T-Shirt Original I Need Ammunition Not A Ride Zelensky T-Shirt Zelensky I Need Ammunition, Not A Ride! Ukraine Lover Peace Ukraine Shirt You Will...